WP-Staging: No push changes Button (FIX)

TL:DR: Upload the PRO version of the plugin with a ZIP file. Make sure to add the license code.

The WordPress-staging plugin WP-staging is a great tool to work on the website in a staging environment. You’ve worked on the staging site, and you’re ready to push the release button: Push Changes. But it’s gone?

Fear not; here is the solution.

First of all, make sure you’ve bought Wp-staging. Without the pro version, you won’t be able to push changes.

If you’ve already bought it, download the pro plugin, and replace the free version. You’ll get a download link to a zip file in the mail on your account.

  1. In the WordPress admin panel, head to Plugins > add new > Import your zip file.
  2. Activate the plunging. Head to Licenses and enter your license.
  3. If you bought multiple sites you need to add your website in your account at wp-staging.com

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