Elementor: How to avoid showing the same popup on different sites

If a website visitor chooses to close down a pop-up, it’s good UX not to show the same pop-up again.

With Elementor, you can use dynamic links to control this.

  1. Open your popup: WP Admin panel >Templates > Popups
  2. Click edit the closing icon. If you don’t have a one, scroll down to the next section of the article
  3. Under the link, press the wrench.
  4. Toggle the Don’t show again on. And that’s it!

Add a closing icon to Elementor popup

Working with closing icons for Elementor is like working with any other Elementor icon.

  1. Add an icon. Preferably use an exit-looking icon.
  2. Press the dynamic link icon, as shown in the screenshot below
  3. Choose popup
  4. Set the action to: Close Popup

Step one:

Step two:

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